Sunday, November 4, 2007

Things Are New

So I just got this Blogger account. I posted all my old blogs to it.
Now, I have a MySpace, a Bebo, a Facebook, a Livejournal (I don't use it, I couldn't be bothered learning the system or whatever) a thing called a Ning, and this. My friend also suggested getting a Deviant Art for my art-related stuff.
That's too many internet-based social-networking time-eaters.
The only thing I use them all for is not keeping in touch with friends. I mean, it's kind of cool to see your old friends from school or whatever (and in many cases it's far from cool, because you hated them) but I think it's got to the stage where it's just not worth the time having all these things takes up.
Why can't people all just use the same one? Or, preferably, none at all? I swear, life was way simpler before all this shit came out.
Then, if it wasn't for social networking, you would probably not have the profusion of happily disinformed (new word, I just made it up) rants about Some Guy's average life. Like this one.

Why am I doing this? Well, my journalism tutor suggested it was a good thing to have a blog that prospective employers can check out. Apparently it's the done thing to Google someone if you're thinking of giving them a job.
So it's like a CV, except one that includes all the minutiae of everyday life. Like interesting coincidences, the fact I don't like beekeeping, or my old car (RIP, baby) or wearing tight pants.

I swear, if anyone hires me off the strength of a blog, I'm going to seriously reconsider the job I'm applying for.

1 comment:

Tony said...

hey. nice blog! although you've crushed my boyhood dream of keeping bees some day...